by Stefan Stenudd


Zodiac Signs in the Complete Horoscope

The Zodiak sign symbols (glyphs) in ink, by Stefan Stenudd.

The Twelve Zodiac Star Signs and Their Meanings in Classical Astrology

In astrology as well as astronomy, the zodiac is a 360° circle around the earth, where each of the twelve zodiac signs is 30°.


Your Health in Your Horoscope. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

This book by Stefan Stenudd explains what your horoscope says about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology. The book contains a quick introduction to astrology, as well, and instructions on how to read a birth chart in general. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon (paid link).

       In astronomy it is simply used as a coordinate system, to mark the positions of celestial bodies. In astrology and the horoscope, though, the zodiac signs have their own meanings.

The Zodiac Signs in the Horoscope

There are twelve zodiac signs, each 30° wide, making a total of 360°, which is the full circle around the earth. They correspond to the same number of constellations of stars in the sky, but the latter are not equally wide.

       In astrology and the horoscope, each zodiac sign represents a character, a tendency, which affects any celestial body therein. The planets express what happens, the Houses where it happens, the aspects why, and the zodiac signs how.

       Every planet moves through the zodiac signs (with very differing speed), and changes character according to what sign it occupies at the moment. The planets are the acting forces in the horoscope, but the zodiac signs nuance and alter their character.

       Here are the twelve zodiac signs, with links to the webpage of each on this website:

Zodiac Signs













The horoscope wheel with the zodiac.
Horoscope chart with only the twelve zodiac signs marked, each covering 30° of the circle's 360°. In a birth chart, the Ascendant decides what sign should be on the left side (on the cusp of Aries in the image above). So, the Zodiac can be turned accordingly.

The Zodiac Signs of the Horoscope

Here are the twelve zodiac signs, their English meanings, and keywords for their respective characters in the horoscope:

  • Aries, the Ram   challenging, impulsive

  • Taurus, the Bull   conservative, concrete

  • Gemini, the Twins   communicative, playful

  • Cancer, the Crab   caring, sensitive

  • Leo, the Lion   dominant, proud

  • Virgo, the Virgin   careful, minute

  • Libra, the Scales   negotiating, ethical

  • Scorpio, the Scorpion   hidden, passionate

  • Sagittarius, the Archer   impatient, independent

  • Capricorn, the Goat   ambitious, decisive

  • Aquarius, the Water Bearer   profound, original

  • Pisces, the Fish   searching, submissive

Zodiac Sign Motto

Each zodiac sign can also be said to have a motto, an expression that helps to clarify its character. Here are the mottos of the twelve zodiac signs in the horoscope:

  • Aries, the Ram   "I am."

  • Taurus, the Bull   "I have."

  • Gemini, the Twins   "I think."

  • Cancer, the Crab   "I feel."

  • Leo, the Lion   "I want."

  • Virgo, the Virgin   "I scrutinize."

  • Libra, the Scales   "I balance."

  • Scorpio, the Scorpion   "I wish."

  • Sagittarius, the Archer   "I see."

  • Capricorn, the Goat   "I use."

  • Aquarius, the Water Bearer   "I know."

  • Pisces, the Fish   "I believe."

Zodiac Sign Element and Quality

The characters of the zodiac signs are to a large extent dependent on their astrological element and quality. Every zodiac sign in the horoscope belongs to one of the four Greek elements, which represent four aspects of life:

  • Fire   activity

  • Earth   materialism

  • Air   thought

  • Water   emotions

       Since there are twelve zodiac signs and four elements, there are three signs belonging to each element. There are also three different basic qualities that zodiac signs have:

  • Cardinal   leading

  • Fixed   static

  • Mutable   following

       Four elements and three qualities make twelve possible combinations. So, each zodiac sign has its own unique combination of element and quality.





Fire Aries Leo Sagittarius
Earth Capricorn Taurus Virgo
Air Libra Aquarius Gemini
Water Cancer Scorpio Pisces

       In principle, the combination of element and quality that is unique to each zodiac sign in the horoscope, decides what its character is.

The elements and qualities of the Zodiac signs marked by colors.
The elements and qualities of the Zodiac signs marked by colors: Fire = red, earth = brown, air = blue, water = green. Cardinal = dark, fixed = medium, mutable = light.

Zodiac Sign Ruling and Exalting

Each zodiac sign is also said to have a ruling and an exalting planet in the horoscope. This simply means that some planets are particularly enforced by the character of that zodiac sign. A planet rules over the zodiac sign where it fits better than the other planets do, and it exalts in a sign where it fits better than any other planet than the ruler of that sign.

       Here are the ruling and exalting planets (note that also the sun and the moon are regarded as planets in this context) of the zodiac signs in the horoscope:








































       Since there are twelve zodiac signs and only ten planets to divide between them, Venus and Mercury both rule and exalt in two signs each.

       Regarding what planets rule and exalt in what zodiac signs, astrologers don't agree completely, but most of the above is generally accepted. In any case, the rulership and exaltation should not be overly emphasized in horoscope interpretations. A planet's character in a zodiac sign speaks well for itself, without these generalizations.

Zodiac. Albrecht Dürer's celestial globe, Northern hemisphere, 1515.

The zodiac figures. Albrecht Dürer's celestial globe, Northern hemisphere, 1515.

Star Sign — the Sun

Your Sun sign or Star sign is your Zodiac sign. When people are said to be born in a certain zodiac sign, it only means that the sun was in that zodiac sign at their birth. It's their sun sign. The sun is only one component in the complete horoscope of classical astrology — although an important one — so predictions based only on that are not astrologically adequate. All the ingredients of the whole horoscope chart have to be considered. Still, the sun is very important in the horoscope, so it has a lot of influence

       The sun moves steadily through the zodiac signs of the horoscope, spending slightly more than 30 days in each of them. The calendar system of leap years makes the dates of change from one sign to another jump around a little, but below are the average dates that the sun spends in each zodiac sign.

  • Aries   March 21 — April 19

  • Taurus   April 20 — May 20

  • Gemini   May 21 — June 20

  • Cancer   June 21 — July 22

  • Leo   July 23 — August 22

  • Virgo   August 23 — September 22

  • Libra   September 23 — October 22

  • Scorpio   October 23 — November 21

  • Sagittarius   November 22 — December 21

  • Capricorn   December 22 — January 19

  • Aquarius   January 20 — February 19

  • Pisces   February 20 — March 20

       If you are born on a date of change, or the day before or after it, you should have your sun position calculated by a horoscope program, to ascertain what zodiac sun sign you are. I have written about how to do that here:

Your Own Horoscope

The zodiac, its images and symbols. From a book by Barocius, 1585.

The zodiac, its images and symbols. From a book by Barocius, 1585.

Vernal equinox

The traditional order of the zodiac signs starts with Aries, because it is the moment of the vernal equinox. That date was also the date of the new year in ancient Europe. At the autumnal equinox, the sun moves into the zodiac sign Libra. At the summer solstice it enters Cancer, and at the winter solstice Capricorn.

Zodiac Sign Symbols

The symbols (also called glyphs) used for the zodiac signs are the same in astrology and astronomy. I have made ink brush versions of those symbols, just for fun, which can be found on my webpages about each of the zodiac signs. Here is a more strict rendering of them:

Zodiac symbols (glyphs).

Zodiac sign symbols (glyphs). From left to right: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

The Twelve Zodiac Signs and Their Traits

Here are the zodiac signs, their symbols (glyphs), and keywords for what they represent in astrology and the horoscope in short. Their order is the traditional one. It starts with Aries, which the sun enters at the vernal equinox (usually celebrated as the New Year in ancient times), and finishes with Pisces.

Aries Glyph


English name: The Ram
Aries sign (glyph). Keywords: challenging, impulsive
Motto: "I am."
Ruler: Mars
Exalted: the sun
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Sun sign dates: March 21 — April 19
For more about the Aries zodiac sign, click here.

Taurus Glyph


English name: The Bull
Taurus sign (glyph). Keywords: conservative, concrete
Motto: "I have."
Ruler: Venus
Exalted: the moon
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Sun sign dates: April 20 — May 20
For more about the Taurus zodiac sign, click here.

Gemini Glyph


English name: The Twins
Gemini sign (glyph). Keywords: communicative, playful
Motto: "I think."
Ruler: Mercury
Exalted: Jupiter
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Sun sign dates: May 21 — June 20
For more about the Gemini zodiac sign, click here.

Cancer Glyph


English name: The Crab
Cancer sign (glyph). Keywords: caring, sensitive
Motto: "I feel."
Ruler: the moon
Exalted: Venus
Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Sun sign dates: June 21 — July 22
For more about the Cancer zodiac sign, click here.

Leo Glyph


English name: The Lion
Leo sign (glyph). Keywords: dominant, proud
Motto: "I want."
Ruler: the sun
Exalted: Pluto
Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Sun sign dates: July 23 — August 22
For more about the Leo zodiac sign, click here.

Virgo Glyph


English name: The Maiden (or Virgin)
Virgo sign (glyph). Keywords: careful, minute
Motto: "I scrutinize."
Ruler: Mercury
Exalted: Venus
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Sun sign dates: August 23 — September 22
For more about the Virgo zodiac sign, click here.

Libra Glyph


English name: The Scales
Libra sign (glyph). Keywords: negotiating, ethical
Motto: "I balance."
Ruler: Venus
Exalted: Mercury
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Sun sign dates: September 23 — October 22
For more about the Libra zodiac sign, click here.

Scorpio Glyph


English name: The Scorpion
Scorpio sign (glyph). Keywords: hidden, passionate
Motto: "I wish."
Ruler: Pluto
Exalted: Neptune
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Sun sign dates: October 23 — November 21
For more about the Scorpio zodiac sign, click here.

Sagittarius Glyph


English name: The Archer
Sagittarius sign (glyph). Keywords: impatient, independent
Motto: "I see."
Ruler: Jupiter
Exalted: Uranus
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Sun sign dates: November 22 — December 21
For more about the Sagittarius zodiac sign, click here.

Capricorn Glyph


English name: The Goat (or Sea-Goat)
Capricorn sign (glyph). Keywords: ambitious, decisive
Motto: "I use."
Ruler: Saturn
Exalted: Mars
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Sun sign dates: December 22 — January 19
For more about the Capricorn zodiac sign, click here.

Aquarius Glyph


English name: The Water-Bearer
Aquarius sign (glyph). Keywords: profound, original
Motto: "I know."
Ruler: Uranus
Exalted: Saturn
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Sun sign dates: January 20 — February 19
For more about the Aquarius zodiac sign, click here.

Pisces Glyph


English name: The Fish
Pisces sign (glyph). Keywords: searching, submissive
Motto: "I believe."
Ruler: Neptune
Exalted: Mercury
Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Sun sign dates: February 20 — March 20
For more about the Pisces zodiac sign, click here.

Zodiac Sign Calculator

Zodiac sign calculator. If you're unsure of your Zodiac sign, or if you want to know on what degree (between 0° and 30°) of the sign the sun was at your birth, please visit the Zodiac sign calculator. It's very easy to use, and then you'll know for sure. (I designed this calculator, but it's moved to another website.)

Horoscope Basics






Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).

Tarot Unfolded. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Tarot Unfolded

This book presents an imaginative method of reading the divination cards, which is the most appropriate for the Tarot, since it consists of symbolic images.

Archetypes of Mythology. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Archetypes of Mythology

Jungian theories on myth and religion examined, from Carl G. Jung to Jordan B. Peterson.

Cosmos of the Ancients. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Cosmos of the Ancients

All the philosophers of Ancient Greece and what they thought about cosmology, myth, religion and the gods.

Life Energy Encyclopedia. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Life Energy Encyclopedia

Qi (chi), prana, pneuma, spiritus, and all the other life force concepts around the world explained and compared.



How to Make Your Own Horoscope

Your Health Horoscope

Sex in Your Horoscope

Zodiac Archetypes

Financial Astrology

Daily Horoscope Guide — What to Expect

Tetrabiblos — the Ancient Astrology Bible


Zodiac — the "how" of the horoscope

Planets — the "what" of the horoscope

Houses — the "where" of the horoscope

Aspects — the "why" of the horoscope


2024 presidential election horoscope for Kamala Harris

2024 presidential election horoscopes for Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Joe Biden's 2020 presidential election horoscope

Pete Buttigieg's 2020 presidential election horoscope

Donald Trump — impeachment horoscope

Donald Trump — will he resign?

Hillary Clinton

Mike Pence

Barack Obama

Anders Behring Breivik

Michael Jackson

Sarah Palin

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The USA Horoscope — Finding and Reading It


The USA Pluto return 2022 horoscope

Capitol attack horoscope

Covid-19 coronavirus horoscope

Future of the Internet

The Age of Aquarius

USA 2016 Election

Mundane Pluto — Its Effect on Society

Mundane Neptune — Its Effect on the Arts


About the Complete Horoscope Website

Disappearing Ascendant — Latitude Effects

The Envelope Chart — Horoscope of the Past

Astrology Links

Astrologi på svenska




The twelve Zodiac signs and what they mean in astrology.

Aries Zodiac Sign


Taurus Zodiac Sign


Gemini Zodiac Sign


Cancer Zodiac Sign


Leo Zodiac Sign


Virgo Zodiac Sign


Libra Zodiac Sign


Scorpio Zodiac Sign


Sagittarius Zodiac Sign


Capricorn Zodiac Sign


Aquarius Zodiac Sign


Pisces Zodiac Sign



Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the old Tarot deck of cards with a free online divination. How to use the Tarot and what each card means.

I Ching Online

I Ching Online. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the ancient Chinese divination online for free. The 64 hexagrams of I Ching, The Book of Change, and what they mean in divination.

Stefan Stenudd

Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction.

About me

I'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website:

© Stefan Stenudd